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Welcome to the new school year at St Joseph's Nudgee College, and a warm welcome to all families joining our community in 2025. Below is some information to help you navigate the start of the school year.

Parking, drop-off, and pick-up

  • Please refer to the Nudgee College MapPick up and set down area (P2)
  • Parents picking up students are encouraged to park in the P1 and P7, adjacent to the Conference Centre, and walk to the ‘Pick Up’ area. 
  • Due to the high volume of student movements in the area, access to the Purton Car Park (P3) and Bus Transit Area via College Gate 2 near the Junior School building is restricted to Staff vehicles and Buses only.
  • The Mary Rice Early Learning Centre car park is strictly unavailable for Nudgee College parking or student drop-off/pick-up.

Uniform, Hair, Grooming Policy

  • During Terms 1 & 4, all students wear the summer uniform. In Terms 2 & 3, students wear their full winter uniform. 
  • All boys should have a Nudgee-branded school bag. By keeping all required items uniform, students experience less nervousness about what is acceptable. We recommend that you ensure that your son’s bag is easily recognisable to him (either by clearly labelling the bag or by adding visible keyrings or bag tags). Some parents report using air tags to reduce the stress around lost bags.
  • Please refer to the College Policy/Standards.
  • The Dean of Students, Ms Lynsey Hale, is happy to discuss some exceptions to the above standards based on religious, cultural, or medical grounds with parents.  

Nudgee Webinar

Topic: Parent Information Webinar In Your Skin - With consent education now mandated in all Australian schools, many young people have voiced their preference for more nuanced, more practical information about navigating respectful intimate relationships. Dr Tessa Opie, founder of inyourskin®, is dedicated to exploring these matters from a positive and pragmatic perspective. This event will run for approximately 60 minutes followed by a 30 minute Q&A.

eSafety Free Webinars

eSafety’s Term 1 webinars for parents 

eSafety information

How to help a child experiencing online abuse

Social Media Age Restrictions - Learn more

Uniform List, Appointments and Labelling

Tech and Equipment

  • Nudgee is a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) school. Visit Nudgee BYOD 
  • As a Google school, students use Google Calendar to track their homework and assessment due dates rather than a supplied diary.
  • Please find a list of stationery items required for each Year Group. Please note book list orders through Campion can still be made in January, but they can't guarantee delivery before school starts. 


  • The College bus services will operate as normal from Wednesday 29 January. 
  • In response to the Annual Bus Survey, there have been some timetable changes and an additional service, so please check your Bus Runs at Nudgee College Bus Runs
  • Nudgee College operates the BusMinder Bus Travel Management System to track student travel and payment from the Student ID Card. For further information, please visit NC Transport - College Bus Travel Site
  • For questions regarding buses, please email

Nudgee College App 

  • The Nudgee College App is the main form of communication for school notices and updates. It is important that you set up the app correctly to ensure you receive relevant communications, so please read the Download Information
  • If you require your password, please click here
  • Please watch this quick and informative video to ensure you have set yourself up correctly. After watching, please check that you are subscribed to the right ‘tags’ on the app. This will ensure that you see the notices relevant to you and your son. 
  • If you are unsure what tags you are subscribed to or would like to subscribe to a tag (e.g., your son's House), please go to Settings and then Subscriptions. From here, you should be able to select the relevant subscriptions.
  • We would recommend subscribing to:
    • General, 
    • Parents, 
    • your son's House/Boarding House, 
    • All Learning and Teaching tags
    • and your son's Year Level. 
  • Of course, you can subscribe to as many areas as you like. If you have questions regarding the App's content, please contact Ms Mishka Boath in our DevComm office via
  • For all sport and co-curricular activities starting in Week 1, please refer to Team App as the best source of information. If you have specific enquiries regarding schedules, please email or


  • In January, parents received an annual School Fees Account for 2025. All accounts must be finalised in full by the due date on your fee statement unless a payment plan or a direct debit is in place.
  • Please refer to the College Fee Statement Handbook.
  • You can also view your account in the Parent Lounge.

Best Contact

  • Your son’s House Dean and/or PC Tutor. 

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact the College reception at 3865 0555 or email