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NCAM Interview with Andrew McNamara

04 October 2024

Meet NCAM Committee member, Mr Andrew McNamara, Nudgee College Old Boy of 1989 and Old Boys' Association President to learn more about him and his roles with the College.

Tell us about yourself and your career?

I’m a trained accountant by profession and I was lucky to be taught accounting by the great Nudgee College staff member and Old Boy Jack Wagner (NCOB 1957). In my first full-time role I was employed by a Nudgee Old Boy. I probably wasn’t the best applicant for the role but I developed an immediate rapport with my boss in the interview and I think he just trusted that I would be a good worker because I went to Nudgee College. Fast forward 10 years I came back from London to go into partnership at MW Recruitment with another Nudgee Old Boy that I went to university with. We weren’t at the College at the same time but again there was an innate trust that we could work together. That was 20 years ago. 

Tell us about your involvement in the NCOBA and how long you have been volunteering for? 

I think it has been 10 plus years now.  I have a lot of admiration for previous president Mr Anthony Hart who was in my older brother's year in 1987. He asked me if I could help with finding a better database for the NCOBA. I got involved in that project and it just morphed into attending meetings and I found myself being on the committee without even knowing it. He got me good…

What makes you most proud to be an Old Boy?

In my role I have had the privilege of meeting a large number of old boys. I love the diversity of the old boys from ages 19 to 90. They are all so different but again across the ages they have the same traits. They value mateship, loyalty, and so many of them carry themselves with a good measure of determination, confidence and humility. I’m very biased. As soon as I know they are a Nudgee College Old Boy I assume they are a good bloke. In my personal life, at any low point that I can recall, a Nudgee brother has always been there to help me. To be part of that group is what makes me most proud.

What would you like to see in the future for the Nudgee College Alma Mater?

Bigger events, growth, and an ability to create opportunities for young men, through things like the Business Directory. 

What motivated you to be involved with the NCAM?

A desire to see more people involved in community events especially current and past parents who want to hang on to that Nudgee feeling. That feeling is a sense of belonging to something. I speak to parents who feel a bit lost after their sons leave the school. All members of the community should always feel welcome to come back to the college and stay connected.

Why do you think the NCAM is an important part of the Nudgee College community?

As humans we need to feel connected. People shouldn’t think they can’t still be a part of Nudgee College because they have graduated, retired from teaching, or their son has left the college. Each and every person who has been in contact with the College is part of our history and should always feel welcome. 


The Alma Mater is a place to ensure the journey and connectedness can continue after you, your son or your grandson leave the Nudgee College gates.
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