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A total of five College Bursaries will be awarded in either Years 7, 8, 9 or 10.

Applications are now closed and will reopen in Term 4, 2024.

Please check your eligibility via the "Key standards for College Bursary" below before applying.

We acknowledge some families within our community face difficulty and hardship. The College Bursary ensures our commitment to fostering an inclusive community and providing a Nudgee College education. The bursary is offered to a student who would benefit from a Nudgee College education but who, without financial assistance, would be otherwise unable to attend.

Key standards for College Bursary

Key standards for College Bursary

  • Overall academic performance and future potential evidence based on school reports
  • Diligence and application in academic studies
  • Achievement and involvement in other areas of excellence, such as performing arts, visual arts, sports, music, debating and other relevant areas
  • A demonstrated sense of community
  • Leadership capacity
  • Australian citizen or permanent resident
Applications will reopen in Term 4, 2024.
Contact Admissions