How to Apply
We’re thrilled you are considering St Joseph’s Nudgee College for your son. Our College is a place where bonds of brotherhoods are formed, where they are nurtured and guided by teachers who want to bring out the best in their students and where they can make the most of the many spiritual, academic, social, personal, cultural and sporting opportunities that are on offer.
We understand that choosing a school is a big decision for any family, so we encourage you to reach out to us and we can answer any questions you may have.
We would love to be a part of your family’s journey. Click the button below which will take you to our application portal.
Latest Admissions Update and Availability
Day Student Positions
Current as of 6 February 2025
Day Student Position Availability:
- 2025 - Full, accepting waitlist applications
- 2026 - Full, accepting waitlist applications
- 2027 - Year 5 Stage 1 & 2 Applications open and close 1 May. Accepting waitlist applications for all other year levels
- 2028 - Year 7 Stage 2 Applications now closed. Waitlist applications are accepted. Accepting Stage 1 Application for Year 5.
- 2029 and beyond - accepting Stage 1 applications
Day Student Entry Points are Year 5 and Year 7.
- Year 5 day students are in line with the Catholic Schools agreement (Please follow this link for further information). Applications close on 1 May two years prior to commencement. Applications received after this time will be waitlisted.
- Year 7 day student applications close on 15 February, three years prior to commencement. Applications received after this date will be waitlisted.
- Day student entry in other year levels is subject to availability, and all applications will be waitlisted
What do I do if my son's year level is already full?
If your preferred year level is currently waitlisted, please consider applying. Family movement can occur across year levels, therefore, vacancies do occur. If we have your completed Stage 1 and 2 applications, we can contact you as soon as a position becomes available.
How do I apply?
To begin the application process, click here to complete the Stage 1 Application Online.
Boarding Student Positions
Current as of 6 February 2025
Boarding Student Position Availability:
- 2025 - Full, accepting waitlist applications
- 2026 - Accepting Stage 1 and 2 applications for final Year 7 and 9 positions, accepting waitlist applications for other year levels
- 2027 - Stage 1 and 2 Applications open for Year 7 and 9
- 2028 - Stage 1 and 2 Applications open for Year 7 and 9
- 2029 and beyond - Accepting Stage 1 applications Year 7 and 9 positions
Boarding student entry years are Year 7 and Year 9.
- The majority of boarding students will commence in Year 7, with a smaller intake offered in Year 9.
- Boarding applications are accepted for year levels outside of these intake years however, they are considered closer to the year of commencement if vacancies become available.
What do I do if my son's year level is already full?
If your preferred year level is currently waitlisted, please consider applying. Family movement can occur across year levels, therefore, vacancies do occur. If we have your completed Stage 1 and 2 applications, we can contact you as soon as a position becomes available.
How do I apply?
To begin the application process, click here to complete the Stage 1 Application Online.
Application Process
Stage 1 Application
Stage 1 applications are accepted from birth.
If you are applying for enrolment for more than one son, a separate application is required for each student. A non-refundable fee of $250 is charged per application.
Click here to Apply Online
Stage 2 Application
Day Students: Stage 2 applications are requested when your son is in Year 3 for Year 5 entry or Year 4 for Year 7 entry.
Boarding Students: Stage 2 applications are first requested when your son is in Year 4 for Year 7 entry or Year 7 for Year 9 entry. Early applications are encouraged.
The Stage 2 Application will request further information, including School Reports and other supporting documentation. A Stage 1 Application must be completed first in order to receive the Stage 2 Application form.
Once the Stage 2 application has been processed and considered, successful applicants will be invited to interview. Timelines for Interviews vary depending on Entry Year and Boarding/Day Student status. These will be communicated by the admissions team when the Stage 2 forms are requested.
All applications are reviewed by the Principal following interviews.
Letters of offer/waitlist/decline will be emailed following the interview.
Enrolment Offers are subject to the completion of paperwork and payment of the Enrolment Acceptance fee of $1,000 prior to the offer's expiry stated in the letter.
As your son's start at Nudgee approaches, we will invite all new students to attend the following Orientation Days:
- Orientation Day #1: Term 3, the year prior to commencement
- New Boarders' Sleepover: Term 4, the year prior to commencement (boarding students only)
- Orientation Day #2: The day before 'official' first day of school
While on our waitlist, our Admissions team will reach out to you for updated school reports and to confirm your wish to remain on the waitlist. Please rest assured we will make subsequent offers as positions become available.
Further Information
Entry Year Calculator
Our son was born in the year
Deciding Year 5 or 7 Entry
At St Joseph’s Nudgee College, there are two main entry points for enrolment - Year 5 and Year 7.
Please review our Guide for Parents Deciding on Year 5 or 7 Entry.
Transferring Students into Year 11 and 12
All new applications for Year 11 and/or 12 for Nudgee College, please ensure you read the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) Transfer of Student Enrolment information.
This includes transferring students from Queensland, Interstate, VET Qualifications and Overseas Students.
Please contact the Admissions Office via email with a completed application form and all supporting documents.
General Collection Notice
This Collection Notice explains in general terms how we protect the privacy of the personal information you provide when you are enrolling your child or your child is enrolled at the College.