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Child Safeguarding
Learning and Teaching
Student Formation
Overseas Students
Parent and Visitor Code of Conduct
Registered Training Organisation Complaints and Appeals Policy

Child Safeguarding

St Joseph’s Nudgee College is committed to providing education and care to children and young people to assist them to develop into high-achieving, supported students, positively connected to each other and to the communities in which they live and which they will serve. St Joseph’s Nudgee College is committed to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of all children and young people at the College and is dedicated to protecting them from harm.


As an Edmund Rice Education Australia (EREA) governed school, St Joseph's Nudgee College complies with several policies which are in accord with the EREA Charter and underpinned by EREA core values. 


Admissions Policy

Year 5 Catholic Boys School Agreement

For consistency of the timing of offers, Catholic Boys Schools have altered their enrolment procedures so that offers of places at their Colleges will be sent out during the last week of Term 3. All responses due back the first week of Term 4. Read more here.


EREA and St Joseph's Nudgee College is committed to protecting personal privacy and recognises that staff and students have a reasonable expectation that EREA and Nudgee College will protect and appropriately manage the personal information it holds about them. This Policy and the accompanying Procedures outline the circumstances in which we obtain personal information, how we use and disclose that information and how we manage requests to access and/or change that information.

Privacy Policy and Procedure

For further information about this policy or your personal information, please contact our Privacy Officer, Deputy Principal Mr Stephen Meara on or (07) 3865 0555. 

Overseas Students

Please read all of the policies associated with Overseas Admissions on this page.


Parent and Visitor Code of Conduct

This Code of Conduct is intended to guide parents and guardians in their dealings with staff, other parents, students and the wider school community. It articulates the College’s key expectations of both staff and parents with regard to respectful relationships and behaviours. It also specifies the College’s position with regard to unacceptable behaviours that breach our culture of respect.

Registered Training Organisation Complaints and Appeals Policy

This policy and procedure provides clear and practical guidelines to ensure that complaints and appeals received about the Registered Training Organisation (RTO), about and from students, trainers, staff and/or third parties can be resolved equitably and efficiently, and in accordance with the principles of natural justice.