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Edmund Rice Education Australia (EREA) governs Nudgee College and the EREA Charter for Catholic Schools in the Edmund Rice Tradition informs our policies and practices. Our College Advisory Council is responsible for the overall governance of Nudgee College, with the general administration of the College delegated to the College Principal and Leadership Team. The College's Council and Leadership Team are comprised of: 

College Leadership Team

Principal: Mr Scott Thomson

Deputy Principal: Mr Stephen Meara

Dean of Mission and Identity: Mr Matt Warr

Dean of Learning and Teaching: Ms Suzie Tjin

Dean of Students: Ms Lynsey Hale (Acting)

Dean of Boarding: Mr Casey Brealy

Dean of Operations: Ms Jenny-Anne Price

College Advisory Council

Br Damien Price (College Advisory Council, Chair)
Dr Caroline Clancy (College Advisory Council, Deputy Chair)
Mr Hugh Ball
Mr Matt Baxby
Mr Randall Corless
Mr Luke Ingham-Myers
Ms Ainsley Pavey
Mr Mark Reppel
Mr Michael Senior
Mr Geoff Smith
Mr Scott Thomson

Br Damien Price (College Advisory Council, Chair)

Br Damien Price came to the Nudgee College Advisory Council after a career in Edmund Rice Schools and Ministries across Australia and New Zealand. Br Damien has a Masters Degree in Counselling and a Masters Degree in Pastoral Guidance. His PhD looked at the meaning making adolescents engaged in, while working with homeless men and women. Br Damien was the Founder of Edmund Rice Camps in Queensland and co-founded Eddie’s Van. Br Damien’s family have had a long association with Nudgee College through the Faust, Dray and O’Connor families. Br Damien is currently Spiritual Advisor to the St Vincent de Paul Society in Queensland and is Chair of the Nudgee College Advisory Council.

Dr Caroline Clancy (College Advisory Council, Deputy Chair)

Dr Caroline Clancy is a General Practitioner, with 20 years' medical experience. In her daily practice she regularly sees adolescent patients, often with a focus on mental health. In addition, she works as a GP Liaison Officer with the Metro North Hospital and Health Service. Her experience also includes working at headspace, and the medical assessment of refugees and asylum seekers who had been relocated to PNG for offshore processing (during the period of the Medevac law in 2019). Caroline, and her husband, Liam, have four children, and both their boys attend Nudgee College. She and her family are active in their parish at Chermside West, and Caroline has had a passion and respect for Edmund Rice ministries since volunteering with Edmund Rice Camps, and associated ministries, after finishing school.  Caroline joined the Advisory Council in 2023, in a formation role, and appreciates the opportunity to be involved in helping Nudgee students becoming Signum Fidei - a Sign of Faith, as they move through school, and life. Caroline is the Deputy Chair of the Advisory Council.

Mr Hugh Ball

Hugh and Sarah, along with their three children, own irrigation and dryland agricultural interests in Northwestern NSW and Northern WA. Producing irrigated cotton, dryland wheat, barley, chickpeas, sorghum and canola. Their home is at Moree, where they are strong advocates for the local community supporting many local charities, organizations and sporting clubs. Hugh currently holds a board position with Gwydir Industries, a non-for-profit organization supporting people with disabilities within the Moree Shire.
Hugh is passionate about the limitless opportunities Nudgee College offers young men from all walks of life. He is looking forward to working with the greater school community to enhance the Nudgee brand.

Mr Matt Baxby

Matt Baxby joined the Nudgee College Advisory Council in 2022, with a focus on risk, compliance and governance aspects.  Matt has more than 20 years experience in businesses and sectors facing disruption or significant regulatory change, with the last 15 years in financial services.  Matt is currently a partner and the CEO of Australia and New Zealand for Revolut, the global fintech and is responsible for market launch and scale up in Australia and the APAC region.  Matt was previously Group CFO and retail banking head at the Bank of Queensland, having spent ten years with the Virgin Group in London, Edinburgh and Sydney.  Matt holds undergraduate degrees in Law and Business from the Queensland University of Technology, a Masters of Applied Finance, is a Senior Fellow of FINSIA and admitted as a Chartered Banker.  He lives in Brisbane with his wife Eliza, and four teenage children including twin boys at Nudgee College.

Mr Randall Corless

Randall Corless is a Chartered Accountant with over 40 years industry experience; 32 of these as a Director of Marsh Tincknell Chartered Accountants where Randall now acts as Managing Partner. Combining knowledge from both his longstanding position on the Finance Committee of the College, and his parental duties to 3 sons who attended the College from 2012 to 2023, there is no area of Nudgee life that Randall has not had some involvement or insight. Randall specialises within his accounting practice as a business advisor, guiding clientele on business growth, strategy, efficiencies, governance, risk mitigation and taxation structuring and management. In addition, he chairs numerous client advisory boards, mentoring and guiding business owners and corporates to achieve better results. Randall’s expertise provides direction and oversight of the College finances and business operations as his focus on the Advisory Council. Randall holds a Bachelor of Business in Accounting, is a CA Member of the Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand and with wife Madonna, has 4 children … Cooper, Archer, Carter and Scarlett.

Mr Luke Ingham-Myers

Luke Ingham-Myers is a solicitor of over 25 years’ experience. Prior to opening his firm IM Lawyers, Luke was in-house counsel at Suncorp and Allianz and held corporate roles in listed companies being responsible for legal, risk and compliance, procurement, project management and employment. Luke has developed a general legal practice specialising in both commercial law and personal injuries and is attuned to the practices and policies implemented by institutions that ensure the safeguarding of students, staff and the public. Luke is appreciative of the education he received through the Christian Brothers commencing at Nudgee Junior as a day boy followed by six years of boarding at Nudgee College. His family has had a long association with the school, most recently with his son Bill (2020) and prior to that his father Robert (1962), his brothers, in-laws and uncles as students dating back to the 1930s. Luke has been involved on a voluntary basis with EREA schools as a former Chair of the Ambrose Treacy College Foundation, past member of the Jack Ross Bursary and enjoyed coaching rugby from 2018 to 2022.

Ms Ainsley Pavey

Growing up in North Queensland, Ainsley Pavey enjoyed a childhood filled with adventures on Magnetic Island, Cape York and Cape Cleveland – experiences that sparked a love and appreciation of Mother Nature. She developed a strong sense of community and values under the guidance of the Mercy Sisters and Sisters of St Joseph in Townsville and Brisbane. Inspired by two extraordinary teachers to embrace her love of writing and performance, Ainsley forged a career combining these two passions. Graduating from QUT, she built a successful career in journalism, honing skills as a storyteller while covering the Olympics and Commonwealth Games, along with court, politics, sport, and trends shaping Queensland. She later studied acting at NIDA. She now runs a strategic communications business. As a mum of three boys, Ainsley has engaged closely with the EREA as a parent at Nudgee College and St Patrick’s College, Shorncliffe. Her sons have experienced the passion and purpose of Edmund Rice to become thoughtful, creative and compassionate stewards of our world. Ainsley is Chair of the Communications and Sustainability Committee.

Mr Mark Reppel

Mark Reppel graduated as a Boarder in 1987 and has enjoyed the privilege of watching both his sons walk the same path. With his wife Amanda, Mark established several large scale horticultural operations across FNQ. Along with his own farms, Mark managed properties for several multi-national companies which together totalled many thousands of acres of irrigated horticulture, including bananas, sugar cane, macadamia, cashew, avocado, biofuels and broiler chickens. During this time, Mark has served as Director of Australian Banana Growers Council, Horticulture Australia Council and as a Delegate for the FNQ Chicken Growers Association. Mark and Amanda have recently relocated to a small farm near Dayboro and are enjoying a quieter style of farming. Mark is a part of the College Masterplan Committee and sees his involvement on the Advisory Council as an opportunity to ensure that boarding remains as the heart of the College.

Mr Michael Senior

Michael Senior joined the Nudgee College Advisory Council in 2022 after 40 years of teaching with the Christian Brothers and EREA. After nine years of education at St Laurence’s College Michael started his teaching career at Nudgee College in 1980. Over Twenty four years Michael contributed to the life of the College in various roles including teacher, sports coach,  Head of Year, Head of Boarding, Deputy Principal and Acting Principal. Michael enjoyed the unique caring community that was the College during those years. In 2004, he was appointed to the role of Principal at Nudgee Junior College and was responsible for overseeing the decision to transition the college from a Year 4 to 7 primary school to Ambrose Treacy College. ATC provides a needed Catholic high school option for parents living in the western corridor of Brisbane. 

Mr Geoff Smith

Geoff was born in Tara, South-Western Queensland and moved to Brisbane during his final years of secondary school before graduating at St Columban’s College. Geoff, and his wife Sally, have three teenage children, with their youngest boy at Nudgee College. Geoff joined the Nudgee College Advisory Council in late 2024 to
support the College’s Master Planning Committee following a period of significant change and investment in the College’s education and sporting facilities. Geoff has more than 30 years’ experience in business and advisory roles predominantly in transport, finance and infrastructure sectors across Australia and the United Kingdom. He has worked in senior finance roles in Virgin Australia for over 15 years and is currently the Chief Financial Officer at the Port of Brisbane. He holds a Commerce degree from University of Queensland, is an Associate of the Institute of Chartered Accountants and a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

Mr Scott Thomson

Scott Thomson, the Principal, is a devoted Catholic and a father of four.  Married to Janita, his family unit is a very important part of who he is and has become. Scott had a calling in his last year at university to become a teacher, and he brings a sense of authenticity and passion to the role of Principal. Scott is driven to ensure that young men of Nudgee attain the best they can in all facets of their lives, to be faith-filled and better Christians in this world, in the Catholic faith. He wants to continuously contribute to the wonderful tapestry that makes up the Nudgee community.